domenica 25 ottobre 2015

Bring back old style logon panel in Windows 7

The following procedure modifies Windows' registry. Proceed with caution.

Launch Windows' registry editor, Regedit.exe. Go to the following location.


In the right side pane, change the key's value of


to 1.

If you don't see any dontdisplaylastusername, create a new DWORD key. Name it dontdisplaylastusername and set its value to 1.

Possible values of dontdisplaylastusername are

0 - The name of the last user who logged on successfully appears in the Log On to Windows dialog box. This setting is designed to make logging on faster and easier.

1 - The User name field in the Log On to Windows dialog box is blank. This setting is designed to enhance the security of the system by not displaying a valid user name.

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